The ACE Awards are exclusive to Edmonton-based agencies. This means International award show powerhouses can't enter.
The Result? These other agencies want in. Badly.
So we had to take extreme measures to keep the show for locals only and to remind these other agencies that, no, they can't win an ACE Award.
Recognition: Advertising Club of Edmonton ACE Award, Applied Arts Design Annual, Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) Awards, Communication Arts Design Annual Shortlist, Communication Arts Typography Annual Shortlist
Press: Ads of the World, Campaign, Roast Brief (US), Strategy Online, The Message
For the event, we created an entirely different campaign because there are unseen forces that rule over our industry. They shape our careers for better or worse. The Ad Gods.
Creative Team: Colin Christiansen, Colin Winn, Pavan Meshram, Gord Montgomery, Kulvinder Roshan and Mark Watson.
Video: Joe Media and directors Rockwell White and Partryk Terelak.